At Senior Care Lifestyles LLC, we take education and sharing of knowledge seriously. We provide information, resources, and guidance to seniors and their families on understanding what is available to them, care options, costs and financial eligibility for additional income and assistance. One such income benefit that few veterans or their surviving spouses are aware of is the VA Aid & Attendance Benefit which provides additional income to Vets and their spouses to use toward in-home care and assisted living costs. Should the applicant qualify, this additional payment is received by the veteran or the veteran’s spouse or widow, for life.
Any war Veteran with 90 days of active duty with at least 1 day during active wartime. They must have been discharged in any way other than dishonorable. A surviving spouse of a war veteran may be eligible if married at the time of death. As this is a needs-based program, income and net worth limits must also be met such as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. excluding home, car, personal furnishings, and clothing. Countable income includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividends. The individual must qualify both medically & financially. Do not guess or assume you are not eligible as other factors play a part in the process and you could miss out on financial benefits for you and your loved-one. Call for assistance!
12/7/1941 through 12/31/1946 WWII
6//27/1950 through 1/31/1955 Korean Conflict
8/5/1964 through 5/7/1975 Vietnam
Current Persian Gulf War
Requires the aid of another person to perform two Activities of Daily Living.
Examples of “activities of daily living” include bathing, feeding, dressing, toileting, transferring, walking, adjusting prosthetic devices, or protecting oneself from the hazards of one’s daily environment. This last example can include a variety of hazards. If you or your loved one requires assistance using the stove or oven, or falls often and requires someone on-hand should this happen, this is a benefit that you should consider.
The first step toward making use of this excellent benefit is to establish eligibility. The A&A enhanced monthly pension is only applicable for veterans, spouses or their widows (if not divorced). For more information please contact Senior Care Lifestyles for a list of independent specialists (recommended) focused solely on the Aid & Attendance Benefit that can discuss eligibility, assist with gathering needed information and ensure the forms are completed correctly, the first time, so there is no additional delay in receiving the benefit which is back paid for each month pending from the date of the initial filing, if eligible!
The VA Aid and Attendance benefit is an excellent opportunity for veterans and their spouses to receive extra monetary support each month that could greatly enhance their current living situation. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of this benefit and do not take advantage of it. As always, at Senior Care Lifestyles, LLC, our consulting services are free and we are available to answer your questions and help you learn more about your options.