This Mother’s Day won’t look like any that we have experienced before, as we are asked to socially distance ourselves, not visit people that we don’t live with and avoid in-person time with those who are older or immunocompromised. How can you make Mother’s Day special for your senior grandmother or older mother?
If you don’t live with your senior loved one, get creative and think of how you can make them feel extra special on Mother’s Day without being there. Have your children write a poem and recite it on video for their grandmother, or gather them to sing one of her favorite songs. Sending a recording might not be the same as being there, but she will appreciate your thoughtfulness!
It isn’t safe to risk the health of our loved ones with a hug and kiss right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t visit through the window! If you live close to your mother or grandmother, take a drive over to her house and say hello through the window. You can also use this visit to drop off a bouquet of fresh flowers and other treats at the door for her to enjoy. If you gave her a card or gift, you can enjoy watching her open it through the window!
Do you and any of your siblings or family live near your mother or grandmother? Decorate each of your cars and hold a drive-by Mother’s Day parade. Let her know what time she should look outside and schedule a time to drive by. involve your children, honk your cars and bring some fun and excitement to her street.
Video chat with your mother or grandmother and look through photos or videos together. You could also use this chance to ask your loved one questions about her life or memories. Taking a memory walk together is lovely in person, but it can be just as wonderful virtually.
Senior Care Lifestyles specializes in connecting seniors with the right in-home care, assisted living, or senior living community to meet their needs. We have helped hundreds of clients and treat each senior as a valued member of our own family deserving our personalized attention, compassion and respect.
For help, or questions please call us at 410-977-3718 or send a message through our website